Office of the Registrar
Campus Address
Hanover, NH
Phone: (603) 646-xxxx
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Email: reg@Dartmouth.EDU

Organization, Regulations, and Courses 2024-25


Chair: Darrin M. McMahon
Vice Chair: Leslie A. Butler

Professors R.E. Bonner, L.A. Butler, C.G. Calloway, M.F. Delmont, M.C. Gaposchkin, D.M. McMahon, B.E. Moreton, A. Orleck; Associate Professors S.J. Ericson, C.B. Estabrook, U. Greenberg, S.J. Link, E.G. Miller, J.M. Miller, P.P. Musselwhite, J. Rabig, N. Sackeyfio-Lenoch, S. Suh, P. Voekel; Assistant Professors Y. Lu, E. Mercado-Montero, G. Nikpour, D.C. Petruccelli; Visiting Professor A.V. Koop; Lecturers M. Fraser, M. Kapur, P. Meehan, M. Novak, R. Zeinstra; Research Fellows R. Edsforth, M. Gregory; Postdoctoral Fellows A. Najib, M. Ulysses, C. Williams.


To view History courses, click here


The Department of History offers a Standard Major, a Modified Major, an Honors Major, and a Minor. Requirements for the major and minor differ for the classes of 2023 and earlier, and the classes of 2024 and later. Because planning is essential, it is critical that a student establish a relationship with a faculty member who can act as an adviser. Any member of the Department can serve as a major adviser, and it is best to pursue this relationship as early as possible. If you do not know whom to approach, the Department Chair or Vice Chair can suggest a possible adviser to suit your interests. (The Vice Chair approves all modifications, double majors, and transfer credit inquiries.) 

While the course information listed below was complete and accurate as it went to press, it is normal for scheduling changes to occur, including the adding and dropping of courses. For the most up-to-date list of courses, click here.

Fulfilling a History Major requires the successful completion of at least ten approved courses. After reviewing the requirements listed below, students should refer to the History Major Worksheet in planning out the History courses required to fulfill the major requirements relevant to their class. See History Department website here:

I. Majors and the Minor open to the Classes of 2023 and earlier

A. Standard Major in History for Class of 2023 and earlier


The Standard Major in History comprises the successful completion of at least ten History courses that meet the following requirements:

  1. Geographic Distribution

    For the purposes of the major requirements applicable to the class of 2023 and earlier, most courses fall into one of four areas: (1) United States (designated Major Dist: US in the course listing below); (2) Europe (designated Major Dist: EUR in the course listing below); (3) Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean (designated Major Dist: AALAC in the course listing below); or (4) Interregional and Comparative (designated Major Dist: INTER in the course listing below).

    Your ten History courses must include, at a minimum:

    1. one course in the history of the United States;
    2. one course in the history of Europe
    3. two courses in the histories of Africa, Asia, Latin America & Caribbean
    4. one Interregional or Comparative history course
  2. Chronological Distribution

    Your ten History courses must contain, at a minimum, two pre-1700 or three pre-1800 courses. In the course listing below, courses fulfilling the pre-1700 requirement are designated <1700, while <1800 designates those fulfilling the pre-1800 requirement.

  3. Seminars or Colloquia

    All Standard Majors in the department must complete two courses involving advanced historical practice, one of which will represent the culminating experience. Most students meet this requirement by enrolling in two HIST 96s, which are small courses (normally capped at 12) that allow students to work closely with a faculty member and to produce a final project that represents either original research in primary sources or (with colloquia) a historiographical contribution to the existing scholarly literature. Those who complete the London FSP or the Honors Seminar (HIST 98), need to complete only one 96, which represents the culminating experience for the major.  Careful advanced planning regarding enrollment in 96s is necessary for two reasons. First, the capped enrollment means that several 96s will have more students wishing to take the course than available space. In these cases, the department and the instructor will prioritize enrollment. Second, work at the advanced level is most rewarding when it builds upon previous exposure to a field. You should work with your adviser to consider which seminars can best represent this sequencing model that follows exposure to a topic in introductory and upper-level classes.

  4. Field of Concentration

    All majors are encouraged to identify an area of concentration within the broad field of History. Establishing a critical mass of classes each related to a geographic, chronological or thematic concentration will enhance a student's ability to develop expertise and make connections. (All students in the Class of 2016 and before are required to identify at least five History courses related to a field of concentration. One of these must be a culminating experience in the form of a HIST 96.)

  5. Limits and Exclusions
  1. At least five History courses must be taken in residence at Dartmouth College, one of them being HIST 96.
  2. HIST 7 (First-Year Seminar) and HIST 99 (Honors Thesis) may not be counted toward the Standard Major.
  3. Students may not use more than three seminars and colloquia (HIST 96) and two independent study courses (HIST 97) in satisfying the requirements of the Standard Major.
  4. Major GPA is figured on all History courses taken.
  5. The Department will consider approving transfer credits for History majors and non-majors only for History courses taken at institutions with which Dartmouth College has institutional exchange programs (see Regulations section of this Catalog).
  6. Only transfer students may receive credit for courses taken at other colleges or universities prior to matriculation at Dartmouth.

B. Modified Major in History for Class of 2023 and earlier

A Modified Major will be approved only if the student provides a convincing written rationale for the intellectual coherence of the proposed program of study. This should be produced at least two terms prior to graduation. Typically, modifications will not be approved in the last two terms of a student's enrollment.


The Modified Major consists of the successful completion of twelve courses, eight of them in History, and four from one or more modifying departments/programs. If the four modifying courses are in a single department/program, your Modified Major plan and rationale must be approved by the Vice Chair of the History Department and the Chair of the modifying department/program. If the four modifying courses are drawn from more than one department/program, your plan and rationale for a Modified Major needs to be approved only by the Vice Chair of the History Department. The requirements in History need to meet the following requirements:

  1. Geographic Distribution

    For the purposes of the major requirements applicable to the class of 2023 and earlier, most courses fall into one of four areas: (1) United States (designated Major Dist: US in the course listing below); (2) Europe (designated Major Dist: EUR in the course listing below); (3) Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean (designated Major Dist: AALAC in the course listing below); or (4) Interregional and Comparative (designated Major Dist: INTER in the course listing below).

    Your eight History courses must contain at least one course from each of the following areas:

    1. United States
    2. Europe
    3. Africa, Asia, Latin America & Caribbean
    4. Interregional
  2. Chronological Distribution

    Your eight History courses must contain at least two pre-1800 courses. In the course listing below, courses fulfilling the pre-1800 requirement are designated <1800.

  3. Seminars or Colloquia

    Modified majors must complete one course involving advanced historical practice which will represent the culminating experience. Most students meet this requirement by enrolling in HIST 96, a small course (normally capped at 12) that allow students to work closely with a faculty member and to produce a final project that represents either original research in primary sources or (with colloquia) a historiographical contribution to the existing scholarly literature. HIST 98 (Honors Seminar) and the London FSP may not count as a culminating experience for Modified Majors.

  4. Field of Concentration

    All Modified Majors are encouraged to identify an area of concentration within the broad field of History. Establishing a critical mass of classes each related to a geographic, chronological or thematic concentration will enhance a student's ability to develop expertise and make connections. (All students graduating in or before 2016 are required to identify at least four History courses related to a field of concentration.) One of these must be a culminating experience in the form of a HIST 96.

  5. Limits and Exclusions, described under the Standard Major (5), also apply to the Modified Major.

C. Honors Major in History for Class of 2023 and earlier

Potentially eligible students should meet with their respective advisers to plan for the History Honors Major. History majors who have achieved an overall College grade point average of 3.0 and one of 3.5 in History (based on a minimum of five graded History courses) may apply for admission to the Honors Program through a written thesis proposal submitted in the spring term of their junior year. Others interested in the program may petition the Department for admission. Please consult the History Department’s website at for more information.

The Honors Program in History consists of the successful completion of the following requirements:

  1. The minimum number of courses as specified in (1), (2), (3), and (4) under the requirements for the Standard or Modified Majors.
  2. In addition to, or as part of, the Standard Major or Modified Major, honors majors must complete the Honors Seminar (HIST 98) in the fall term of their senior year. HIST 98 may serve as one of the two required upper level seminars and colloquia for the Standard Major; it may not serve as the culminating experience in (3) above.
  3. Honors majors submit a thesis written in their senior year (HIST 99.01 in the Winter Term and HIST 99.02 in the Spring Term). HIST 99 may carry up to two credits toward the degree requirement, but receives no credit within the Honors Major.
  4. Limits and Exclusions, described under the Standard Major (5), also apply to the History Honors Program.

D. Minor in History for Class of 2023 and earlier

The Minor in History consists of the successful completion of seven History courses:

  1. Geographic Distribution
    For the purposes of the major requirements applicable to the class of 2023 and earlier, most courses fall into one of four areas: (1) United States (designated Major Dist: US in the course listing below); (2) Europe (designated Major Dist: EUR in the course listing below); (3) Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean (designated Major Dist: AALAC in the course listing below); or (4) Interregional and Comparative (designated Major Dist: INTER in the course listing below).

    Your seven History courses must contain at least one course from each of the following areas:

    a. United States
    b. Europe
    c. Africa, Asia, Latin America & Caribbean
    d. Interregional
  2. Chronological Distribution

    Your seven courses must contain at least two pre-1800 courses. In the course listing below, courses fulfilling the pre-1800 requirement are designated <1800.
  3. Seminar or Colloquia

    All Minors must complete one course involving advanced historical practice which will represent the culminating experience. Most students meet this requirement by enrolling
    in HIST 96, a small course (normally capped at 12) that allows students to work closely with a faculty member and to produce a final project that represents either original
    research in primary sources or (with colloquia) a historiographical contribution to the existing scholarly literature.
  4. Field of Concentration

    All Minors are encouraged to identify an area of concentration within the broad field of History. Establishing a critical mass of classes each related to a geographic,
    chronological or thematic concentration will enhance a student's ability to develop expertise and make connections. One of these must be a culminating experience in the
    form of a HIST 96.
  5. Limits and Exclusions, described under the Standard Major (5), also apply to the Minor.

II. Majors and the Minor open to the Classes of 2024 and after

     A. Standard Major in History for the Class of 2024 and after

1. Geographical Distribution

For the purposes of the major requirements applicable to the class of 2024 and later, most courses fall into one of six areas: (1) Africa, (2) Asia, (3) Europe, (4) Latin America & the Caribbean, (5) Middle East, (6) United States. Your ten History courses must include one course from at least four of these six areas.

2. Chronological Distribution

            Your ten History courses must include, at a minimum, two pre-modern courses and two modern courses.

3. Seminars and Colloquia

All majors in the department must complete two courses involving advanced historical practice, one of which will represent the culminating experience. Most students meet this requirement by enrolling in two 96s, which are small courses (normally capped at 12) that allow students to work closely with a faculty member and to produce a final project that represents either original research in primary sources or (with colloquia) a historiographical contribution to the existing scholarly literature. Those who complete the London FSP or the Honors’ Seminar need to complete only one 96 on campus. For FSP students, their on campus 96 will be the culminating experience. For students in the Honors Program, the honors thesis will be the culminating experience. Careful advanced planning regarding enrollment in 96s is necessary for two reasons. First, the capped enrollment means that several 96s will have more students wishing to take the course than available space. In these cases, the department and the instructor will prioritize enrollment. Second, work at the advanced level is most rewarding when it builds upon previous exposure to a field. Students should work with their advisors to select a number of classes related to a geographic, chronological, or thematic area that will prepare them for their advanced coursework. Students should then consider which seminars can best build on this previous coursework.

4. Limits and Exclusions

a. At least five History courses must be taken in residence at Dartmouth College, one of them being HIST 96.
b. HIST 7 (First-Year Seminar) and History 99 (Honors Thesis) may not be counted toward the Standard Major.
c. Students may not use more than two independent study courses (HIST 97) in satisfying the requirements of the Standard Major.
d. Only those major courses passed with a letter grade may be counted in satisfaction of the major. Courses taken under the Non-Recording Option (NRO) may not be used toward completion of the major.
e. Major GPA is figured on all History courses taken.
f. The Department will consider approving transfer credits for History majors and non-majors only for History courses taken at institutions with which Dartmouth College has institutional exchange programs.
g. Only transfer students may receive credit for courses taken at other colleges or universities prior to matriculation at Dartmouth.

     B. Modified Major in History for Class of 2024 and after

1. Geographical Distribution

For the purposes of the major requirements applicable to the class of 2024 and later, most courses fall into one of six areas: (1) Africa, (2) Asia, (3) Europe (4) Latin America & the Caribbean, (5) Middle East, (6) United States. Your eight History courses must include one course from at least three of these six areas.

2. Chronological Distribution

Your eight History courses must include, at a minimum, two pre-modern courses and two modern courses.

3. Seminars or Colloquia

All modified majors in the department must complete at least one course (HIST 96) on campus involving advanced historical practice, which will represent the culminating experience. Careful advanced planning regarding enrollment in 96 is necessary for two reasons. First, the capped enrollment means that several 96s will have more students who wish to take the course than there are available spots. In these cases, the department and the instructor will prioritize enrollment. Second, work at the advanced level is most rewarding when it builds upon previous exposure to a field. Students should work with their advisors to select a number of classes related to a geographic, chronological, or thematic area that will prepare them for their advanced coursework. Students should then consider which seminars can best build on this previous coursework.

4. Limits and Exclusions

a. At least five History courses must be taken in residence at Dartmouth College, one of them being HIST 96.
b. HIST 7 (First-Year Seminar), HIST 98 (Honors Seminar) and History 99 (Honors Thesis) may not be counted toward the modified major.
c. Students may not use more than two independent study courses (HIST 97) in satisfying the requirements of the modified Major.
d. Modified major GPA is figured on all History courses taken.
e. Only those major courses passed with a letter grade may be counted in satisfaction of the major. Courses taken under the Non-Recording Option (NRO) may not be used toward completion of the modified major.
f. The Department will consider approving transfer credits for History majors and non-majors only for History courses taken at institutions with which Dartmouth College has institutional exchange programs.
g. Only transfer students may receive credit for courses taken at other colleges or universities prior to matriculation at Dartmouth.

C. Honors Major in History for Class of 2024 and after

Potentially eligible students should meet with their respective advisers to plan for the History Honors Major. History majors who have achieved an overall College grade point average of 3.0 and one of 3.5 in History (based on a minimum of five graded History courses) may apply for admission to the Honors Program through a written thesis proposal submitted in the spring term of their junior year. Others interested in the program may petition the Department for admission. Please consult the History Department’s website at for more information.
The Honors Program in History consists of the successful completion of the following requirements:
1. The minimum number of courses as specified in (1), (2), and (3) under the requirements for the Standard or Modified Majors.
2. In addition to, or as part of, the Standard Major or Modified Major, honors majors must complete the Honors Seminar (HIST 98) in the fall term of their senior year. HIST 98 may serve as one of the two required upper level seminars and colloquia for the Standard Major; it may not serve as the culminating experience in (3) above.
3. Honors majors submit a thesis written in their senior year (HIST 99.01 in the Winter Term and HIST 99.02 in the Spring Term). HIST 99 may carry up to two credits toward the degree requirement, but receives no credit within the Honors Major.
4. Limits and Exclusions described under the Standard Major, also apply to the History Honors Program.

     D. Minor in History for Class of 2024 and after

1. Geographical Distribution

For the purposes of the major requirements applicable to the class of 2024 and later, most courses fall into one of six areas: (1) Africa, (2) Asia, (3) Europe (4) Latin America & the Caribbean, (5) Middle East, (6) United States. Your seven History courses must include one course from at least three of the six areas.

2. Chronological Distribution

Your seven History courses must include, at a minimum, two pre-modern courses and two modern courses.

Seminar or Colloquia

All Minors must complete one course involving advanced historical practice. Students meet this requirement by enrolling in HIST 96, a small course (normally capped at 12) that allows students to work closely with a faculty member and to produce a final project that represents either original research in primary sources or (with colloquia) a historiographical contribution to the existing scholarly literature. Work at the advanced level is most rewarding when it builds upon previous exposure to a field. Students should work with their advisors to select a seminar that builds on their previous History coursework.

4. Limits and Exclusions

a. At least four History courses must be taken in residence at Dartmouth College, one of them being HIST 96.
HIST 7 (First-Year Seminar) and History 99 (Honors Thesis) may not be counted toward the minor.
c. Students may not use more than two independent study courses (
HIST 97) in satisfying the requirements of the minor.
d. At most one course in the minor may be taken under the NRO.
e. Minor GPA is figured on all History courses taken.
f. The Department will consider approving transfer credits for History majors/minors and non-majors only for History courses taken at institutions with which Dartmouth College has institutional exchange programs.
g. Only transfer students may receive credit for courses taken at other colleges or universities prior to matriculation at Dartmouth.